9. Sewing- Okay let's be honest, I just started. In fact I've only sewed once, but I just love the possibilities of it. Love that I can create, and the fabrics are sooo much fun!
8. Netflix- I've always loved the convenience of Netflix, but now that we have the Wii hooked up and get streaming movies instantly, I've become obsessed. I bet I've watched more movies the past month and I have the past year.
7. Saving Money! Even though couponing is a new trend, I've been doing it for over a year now and love it! I used to have no idea how much things cost, but now I can't stand to pay more than I know I've bought it for before. It's like a game. A very addictive game! I've walked out of Kroger with $120 worth of stuff for $22 and out of CVS with $73 worth of stuff for $.97!
6. Traveling- Disney World, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Chicago, Hilton Head- Just to name a few! I love making memories with my loved ones. I especially love trying new restaurants or old favorites that I hardly ever get to go to!
5. Trying new recipes- especially when they turn out right! And then of course blogging them. I love looking back on my blog. There is no way I would remember which recipes I liked and didn't like!
4. IPad/IPhone
From keeping up to Ryder's feedings to surfing Facebook, I have come to love everything Apple! It's plain and simple Apps make the world better. They're the ultimate instant gratification.
3. Kindle
I fought and fought against an e-reader. I love books... the way they smell and feel. I can't imagine a world without real books, so the thought of books moving in this direction scares me a little. But, after getting a Kindle app on my IPad and IPhone, I couldn't help wanting one. They're just so convenient. Any book I want in less than 60 seconds. And it really does read like a book and weighs about the same as one too. And to be honest it's easier to hold. I love that anywhere I am, whenever I get free time, I can get on my phone and start reading the book I was reading at home, and it syncs to the same spot! Genius!
2. Hanging out with my little family including my baby, puppies, and husband.
1. Ryder's Smile! I think this picture speaks for itself!
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