As much as I love being a mom, I feel like I've lost a little of myself these past few weeks. I know it comes with the territory of being a new mom, not only taking care of Ryder, but also recovering from my surgery. Nevertheless, it has still been difficult. This week not only have we gotten to get out of the house more, I've actually gotten to start getting some things done around the house. I'm a home body, but with that, I like to actually be doing stuff at home- cooking, reading, scrapbooking, working out, blogging, looking at my favorite websites for ideas, etc. For several weeks all I did was eat, sleep, and watch TV. Then, I have to schedule just getting out of the house. I have to make sure Ryder is completely full before we leave, so he'll be the precious little boy that everyone loves. I'm very lucky since he is an extremely good baby the majority of the time- no colic for us knock on wood. This week I've started to feel awake again. I can't believe it's almost summer time. This beautiful weather has inspired me to get up and be on the go again, even if it's just at my own house! :)
So with that being said, I'm making a to do list which I hope to accomplish by the end of the weekend
- Go through jeans (see which ones I can actually fit in)
- Load Light Room on my computer
- Move pics from my internal hard drive to my external hard drive
- Hang picture of Ryder
- Make a Coca Cola cake
- Grill out
- Watch Eat Pray Love
- Finish reading The Carrie Diaries: Summer in the City
- Hook my Wii up and play/use my 3 games I got for Christmas including Zumba!
- Clean off carport
- And most importantly as always, kiss, hug, and love on baby Ryder Knox Greer